Musings from the Hedge
A Blog by Winifred
Musings from the Hedge
A Blog by Winifred
Have you always known your were a little bit different, a little bit Wyrd ?
Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Spirit
Have you always known your were a little bit different, a little bit Wyrd?
A Blog by Winifred
5 Steps to Manifesting Your Dreams (How Yoga Can Help) with Irena Miller
Note from Winifred: Ready to learn how yoga can help you manifest your dreams? I am excited to host Irena Miller as a guest blogger. Irena is a yoga instructor
Coming to a halt and listening
What happens when Spirit delivers a message you cannot avoid? I am very much a soul in motion. Even my pursuits during my “time off” involve movement…hiking, dancing and rock
How to craft an engaging three-card tarot spread
Learn to craft an engaging three-card tarot spread, that will open up your conversation with the cards You probably have seen the most common three card tarot spread that uses
The Labyrinth at Sirius Rising was the most physically beautiful and energetically powerful Labyrinth I have experienced so far in my journeys. I can appreciate the many factors that would
The land has awakened into the time of Harvest
The land has awakened into the early days of Autumn. This time of year, I feel the energy of summer receding as a wave does at the ocean, slipping back
Celebrating Mabon, the Autumn Equinox
It is a hot summer day towards the end of August. You stand still for a moment in the lazy dry heat, listening. Do you hear it? Autumn is whispering
A magickal life is one that cultivates a living spiritual practice
A magickal life means cultivating a living spiritual practice or what I did at Conjure Camp… On Friday, June 26th, my car packed with camping gear and passport card in
Keeper of the Family Wisdom, Influences from my Heritage
Traditions can be powerful connections to our ancestors. As I contemplate the Soul to Ancestor connection, I seek to capture the concepts I am experiencing in my own life. I
Milkweed, butterflies and my Mama, a story of letting go
Milkweed, butterflies and my Mama, a story of letting go. Milkweed grows in my untamed garden. I discovered a single plant in my garden several years ago and
Listening to the Ancestors Speaking in our Blood
If we learn to listen to the Voice of our Ancestors that speak in the language of our blood, they also reveal keys to the answers we are seeking and
Read Winifred’s Story
The Real Magick Lies Within You… I grew up just outside of Boston back when “free range” was how all kids were raised. I was blessed to be born into
Sacred Contracts and the Journey of the Soul
What are your sacred contracts and how do you trace the journey of your soul? One of the books that I resonate with strongly is “Sacred Contacts” by Carolyn Myss.
Renewing Connection, Experiencing Bliss
I have been attending all manner of festivals since I was a teenager, from my first Renfest at King Richard’s Faire back in the 80’s (yes, I am dating myself
Say YES to your Inner Witch
Grab your FREE guide for Earth-Centered Mystics.
Learn how to cultivate a daily spiritual practice.