The Labyrinth at Sirius Rising was the most physically beautiful and energetically powerful Labyrinth I have experienced so far in my journeys.

I can appreciate the many factors that would impact creating a labyrinth, amount of space and location, being the first two biggest aspects to be addressed.  Brushwood has incredible land with a charge so powerful that I could literally feel it pulsing beneath my feet and surging into my being in certain spots.  They placed the Labyrinth in a large field far enough away from the more crowded central part of the event where the vendors are which kept the meditative energy of the Labyrinth free of everyday energetic activities.

The Labyrinth itself was created from mowing the grass in the field.  The Brushwood folk thoughtfully created an extra wide pathway so that one could walk side by side with another and a wheel chair could fit.  I saw several couples walking the labyrinth together after the opening Spirit Ritual.  It struck me as the perfect place to be Hand Fasted.

The shear size of the Labyrinth was awesome.  It took about 1/2 an hour to walk it completely alone, longer in the first turn with it full of community.   The opening Ritual was dedicated to Spirit.  Everyone was encouraged to wear white.  The Sirius folk that led the Ritual walked the Labyrinth alone first to open the energy and the second time to light the candle lanterns that lined it.  After that, everyone else present was invited to walk together.
The sun was setting and the full moon was rising.  Chimes, incense and huge quartz crystals were in the center.  The lanterns were lit, the chimes rung, incense burned.

There is a beauty and profound connection to the Sacred to walk in the silence and simplicity of such a labyrinth.

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