My sense of time is non-linear and fluid, all times; past, present and future existing simultaneously in parallel worlds.  The most important life is the current life and the work the Soul has come here to do.  The many transformational journeys we undertake ultimately assist us in improving this life and help us to achieve our soul’s goals.

This life, our time on Earth, is a “school” for lack of a better word.  Before we come in, we agree to certain situations and opportunities, and they can be very challenging, that will allow for certain soul growth, expansion, healing and clearing of karmic contracts.   While we do not have control over other people’s choices, decisions and actions (it is a free will planet we live on) we do have control over how we respond….and we can learn to respond rather than react.

Recently, while spending time with my Coven Mates to celebrate the Full Moon and Lughnasa, we talked a lot about this subject.  About understanding exactly how we have control in our lives and to what extent….this is often referred to as manifestation/positive affirmation work which the now famous movie “The Secret” helped to bring forward in consciousness to the mainstream public.   Sometimes the most important task in clearing old patterns, old ways of being that no longer serve us, is not about control at all, but the opposite….it’s about letting go and surrendering to the process.   Ah, this is where that word Faith comes back into play.  It takes Faith to let go and trust that we are divinely guided.

Sharing spiritual work, whether in a Coven, Kindred, or Circle, helps us to continue learning, stay inspired and to persevere.  When there is a group of folk coming together with respect, trust, commitment and common values/ethics they can help each other to see situations/challenges from a different perspective or to offer wisdom/suggestions from shared experiences.  Hopefully, we each will have the strength and skill to call us “out” on ourselves in a responsible manner when we are mired, denying or can’t get out of our own way.
And there is the joy in celebrating the Esbats and the Sabbats in community.
The Wheel of the Year seems to me to be truly about the community celebrating significant times that each play an important energetic role to creation and sustenance and so I find more joy doing that with others.
Knowing that time is set aside each month to hold sacred space for each other in love and trust means a lot to me because I have made a commitment to others to show up.  I don’t let “life” get in the way which often happened when I worked as a Solitary.

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