Local Events

Wherever you are on your mystical journey, we are passionate about providing inspiration, education and support.

Check out our upcoming programs, courses, and classes below!

Looking for a specific event?

If you do not see a specific event you were hoping for, do not hesitate to e-mail Winifred at awentree@yahoo.com.

Local Events

Wherever you are on your mystical journey, we are passionate about providing inspiration, education and support.

Check out our upcoming programs, courses, and classes below!


Looking for a specific event?

If you do not see a specific event you were hoping for, do not hesitate to e-mail Winifred at awentree@yahoo.com.

    Riding the Beltaine Tides & Traveling Beyond the Hedge to Faery (May’s Ritual) 7:00 pm
    Riding the Beltaine Tides & Traveling Beyond the Hedge to Faery (May’s Ritual) @ AwenTree
    May 1 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
    Riding the Beltaine Tides & Traveling Beyond the Hedge to Faery (May's Ritual) @ AwenTree
    Riding the Beltaine Tides, Traveling Beyond the Hedge to Connect with Faery (May 1st Ritual) Join us in ritual on May 1st as we ride the Beltaine Tides to travel beyond the hedge. There we will pay a visit to the sacred cottage of the wise Faery Healer to sit by the fire, spinning and[...]
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