Musings from the Hedge

A Blog by Winifred​

Musings from the Hedge

A Blog by Winifred​

Have you always known your were a little bit different, a little bit Wyrd ?

Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Spirit

Have you always known your were a little bit different, a little bit Wyrd?

Winifred Costello, AwenTree

A Blog by Winifred​

Stretch Your Tarot Wings

Take Tarot out of the box, literally and symbolically. I invite you to think outside the Tarot box and open yourself up to the magic held within those powerful images.

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The Labyrinth at Sirius Rising was the most physically beautiful and energetically powerful Labyrinth I have experienced so far in my journeys. I can appreciate the many factors that would

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Tarot Myth Busters

Are tarot myths getting in your way to working with the cards? I  frequently encounter some popular tarot myths holding sway out there in the world of divination.  I believe

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Stretch Your Tarot Wings

Take Tarot out of the box, literally and symbolically. I invite you to think outside the Tarot box and open yourself up to the magic held within those powerful images.

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Say YES to your Inner Witch

Grab your FREE guide for Earth-Centered Mystics.

Learn how to cultivate a daily spiritual practice.

Say YES to your Inner Witch

Grab my FREE guide for Earth-Centered Mystics and learn how to cultivate a daily spiritual practice.
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