The Real Magick Lies Within You…
I grew up just outside of Boston back when “free range” was how all kids were raised. I was blessed to be born into a loving, lively and loud family descended from first generation Irish-Italian immigrants that nurtured my curiosity, creativity and spirituality.My childhood home was a place where creativity was celebrated. There are paintings and linen patterns all over my childhood home from my great-grandfather who trained as an artist back in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s. My grandfather was a skilled cabinet maker and his wife a seamstress. One great aunt was a doll maker and another uncle a jeweler.On both sides of my lineage were entrepreneurs as well as independent minded, strong women who practiced divination arts.
My Irish grandmother read tea leaves and my Italian great aunt read the “Malocchio”, also known as the “Evil Eye”, with olive oil.My mother passed onto me the Irish folk traditions and cures that her mother taught her. In those days no one used the worlds Witch, Witchcraft or Magick and folks would have adamantly denied those connections. The folk magic cures they worked were just referred to as every day things you did to ensure blessings and good fortune. From working with coins to locks of hair to hankies (and more), theses items were placed in special places and circumstances with intention. It was clear that you were tempting fate by skipping them. It was just what you did.Growing up, I was encouraged to be outside often and to help in the garden. I would beg to stay out playing at dusk because I loved the sweet wildness and magic the twilight held. I was also a child “haunted” by vivid dreams, visitations and nightmares that I did not fully understand.Looking back on the these influences, I am sure it is no accident that I felt compelled to get my hands on anything I could about ancient mysteries, goddess traditions, psychic abilities and all things mystical from an early age; first in the town library, then when I became an older teenager, at bookstores and the local magickal store not too far from my home. I remember my excitement when I was gifted my first tarot deck (The Morgan Greer) on my 16th birthday by my best friend.
The call of my wild Spirit-Heart
My wild heart came alive when I traveled to the remote boundary waters of Ontario during extended, month-long summer trips as a teenager. I delighted in the fact that access to this wonderful and untamed land, was by one hour boat ride (after a four hour car ride) to stay in a very rustic cabin (imagine no phones, no electricity, no planes even crossed the sky) on an island. The cabin still used propane lanterns for light. Travel, once you were dropped off, was only by canoe or small outboard motor boat.I can still feel that other worldly magick of the Northern Lights as the they danced across the sky. I can still hear the sound of the water lapping the shore and of loons singing into the sunset.It was then something deep within my blood remembered, responded and awakened.
I was transformed by those summers.
Once I tasted the raw beauty of the northern wilderness and connected to the elemental forces of the earth, water and sky, I could not stay in. I was passionate to travel; backpacking up hidden trails, snowshoeing across frozen paths and climbing mountain cliffs whenever I could get away. I also took up more stationary, earth-centered practices such as organic gardening. My time outside directly impacted my spiritual journey and provided much needed soul-full healing.
The road less traveled sometimes has potholes but the most rewarding view…
While I have many wonderful and radiant memories, my life has not always been easy; actually far from it. I had my share of personal obstacles and wounds to overcome; some of them fairly daunting. But I know this, whenever my path diverged in the woods, I choose to follow the voice of my heart.That has led to an interesting and winding journey, with some great and not-so-great scenery and side trips, but in the end I know that I am richer for it (and I mean those inner riches that feed your soul and define your truth). I have experienced the deep sorrow of losing loved ones. I have navigated healing a debilitating spine injury that profoundly affected my life. I have struggled to overcome poverty as a single mother but also in shifting my mind-set from deeply seeded scarcity programming to abundance living. I have stumbled when learning to love deeper and learned to love even more completely.I knew that to achieve my goals in life, I had to fearlessly unpack my paradigm of scarcity-lack-thinking-imprinting in order to shed, transform and evolve into abundance-living. I have spent years building an authentic ancestor spiritual practice and working with ancestral healing.
I sought to know my core truth, to live boldly, to love unconditionally and to step into the flow of healing grace.
I was initially drawn to the world of alternative healing therapies and earth-centered spirituality many years ago in my quest for personal healing. I consciously choose to find and embrace my inner radiance and restore my self-worth. This led me to work and study with inspirational mentors and teachers that were instrumental to my healing journey and spiritual growth. They illuminated my path toward understanding the transformative nature of alternative healing and magick; the profound benefit of merging many threads into one tapestry to create change and restore well being. And on that journey, my passion to help others was ignited.
Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Spirit
And all along, I knew deep within my heart another truth….something resonated deep in my soul whenever I stood beneath the moon, connecting to the elements, Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Spirit, touching plant spirits, dancing the rhythm of the Wheel of The Year…. I was born a Witch Spirit and needed to follow the ancient ways of the earth-centered spirituality. You might say that once my spirit blood was awakened, it could not be silenced; leading me to learn the ways of the Wise Woman, the Cunning Person, the Traditional Village Healer and the Craft. Standing, rooted in the light, embracing the Witch as Healer, the Witch as Spiritual Midwife, is my soul’s purpose. I bring this wisdom forward to positively inform and inspire my work with my clients.
What I discovered….
The real magick lies within you.
If you are seeking to reclaim your power, find your voice, stand in your truth, define who you are, free your mind, body and spirit from limitations and re-member your whole-ness, I am here, ready to create the sacred container of transformation, witness and work with you.My goals are to empower your authenticity, grant you permission to embrace the sacred, invite you to unlock the healing power of unconditional love and forgiveness, encourage your spiritual revolution of grace and inspire you to dream your wild soul into being.