IgnITe your inner Fire

Reiki Healing, Tarot Readings, Mystical Education, Mentoring and access to your very own Community of Magickal Besties

AwenTree Healing Studio is located in the Maplewood Shops, Northampton, MA.

Visits to our location are by appointment or during our events.

Many magickal folk feel LOST: struggling without the spiritual support they need.

Are you finding it hard to sustain a spiritual practice?
Have you lost sight of your magickal path?

At Awentree, we know that the most essential ingredient in your magic, is you.

But that does not mean you have to go it alone.

We want to not only support your mystical journey, but empower your dreams by providing you with:

  • Intuitive Tarot Readings
  • Reiki & Energy Healing 
  • Witch Mentoring
  • Access to a community of kindred spirits

Not local? Awentree offers both in-person and remote (virtual) sessions and classes. The Witching Well Community facilited by Winifred Costello is centered  on online so that you can access support and educational materials regardless of where you live. 

Welcome to AwenTree

Winifred Costello, Founder & Mentor of The Witching Well Community

Hey there, I'm Winifred!

Just like you, I have had to forge my own spiritual path.

I am no stranger to a pagan’s life of challenges with little to no support.

That’s why I now provide an inclusive and welcoming sacred space.

A place where Earth-Centered Spirituality is celebrated and taught with integrity and authenticity.

It is my life’s work to help Seekers, just like you, manifest heart-centered, soul-powered magickal lives.

I am..

  • A practicing Witch, with 35 years of experience in Paganism, Goddess Traditions, Witchcraft, Faery Seership, Tarot, Folk Magick, Reiki and Energy Healing
  • Reiki Master Teacher since 1997
  • NGH Certified Hypnotherapist since 2007
  • NGH Certified Past Life Regression Facilitator since 2008
  • Certified LuMarian (Sacred Source) Energy Practitioner
  • Former Board Member for COVR (Coalition of Visionary Retailers) in 2008
  • Former Lead Coordinator for the Western Mass Pagan Pride Day
  • Former owner of a brick and mortar magickal gift shop in Easthampton, MA for 14 years
Featured Articles & Podcast Interviews
This is Where Healing and Magick Intersect

Are you ready to Enter the Sacred Space?​

Message from Winifred:

I need to share something important with you.

I firmly believe that our spiritual journeys are just: a life-long journey. There is no “fast-track” or “shortcut” for us, but that realization is something to be celebrated.

Life is a journey, not a destination“: Every challenge we are presented with can be overcome.

Living a life infused with Magick and Enchantment should be a passion-filled existence, not a lonely road of hardships.

Let’s peer in to the cauldron of sacred mysteries, healing and transformation, TOGETHER, so that you can grow your spiritual practices and finally feel a part of something magickal.

If you’re unsure of where to start, my door is always open for any questions.

*This will open up an e-mail to awentree@yahoo.com

DIfferent Ways to Work Together

Tarot Readings

A Tarot Reading is an invaluable tool for enhancing your self awareness, personal growth and healing; weaving together  mysticism, divination and spiritual insight.

Courses & Mentoring

Ready to grow yourself and embody your magickal path, confidently centered in understanding, wisdom and skills? We offer education, ongoing mentoring and community for Earth Mystics.

Reiki & Energy Healing

Reiki & Energy Healing Sessions cleanse stagnant energy; revitalizing and aligning the flow of your major energy systems to support your wellness journey. 

MysticaL MEMbership

The Witching Well is the manifestation of Winifred’s dream to create an intentional, mystical community that inspires, supports and empowers Earth-Centered Seekers to nurture their Witch souls and manifest their magick.

“Turkey vulture and red tailed hawk led me to Winifred and AwenTree....and my life was changed forever. I have never met a person who is so good at meeting you where you are; empowering you on your path, infusing you with renewed curiosity, and excitement for your personal practice, supporting you through rough patches, and holding you accountable when you need it. She has sparked, supported, nurtured and nudged my inner witch into fuller, radiant, magical bloom.”
Megan Filion The Witching Well
Megan Filion

Say YES to your Inner Witch

Grab my FREE guide for Earth-Centered Mystics and learn how to cultivate a daily spiritual practice.

Looking for Magickal Supplies?

Due to the on-going COVID-19 Pandemic, I am only providing services out of my space.

However, you can still purchase merchandise online for in-store pickup.

NOTE: Again, there is no inside retail space.

Traditional Witchcraft, A Cornish Book of Ways

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Product Details
Brand: Troy Books

Traditional Witchcraft, A Cornish Book of Ways by Gemma Gary

Although nestled in the Cornish landscape and its lore, the beliefs and practices described within this book are rooted also in the traditional witchcraft current and an ‘Old Craft’ of multiple British streams. Its magic and charms are comparable also to those found elsewhere in the British Isles and beyond, making this a book adaptable for practitioners in any land.

Traditional Witchcraft – A Cornish Book of Ways is a 21st century version of traditional Cornish witchcraft, of the kind recorded by Hunt, Bottrell and others. This is no neo-pagan or modern wiccan manual, but rather a deep drawing up into modern times of some of the ancient practices of lore and magic practiced by the white witches, charmers, conjurers and pellars of the Cornish villages. Their presence was still current when the 18th and 19th century antiquarians and collectors recorded them, and, although the 20th century largely put paid to their activities, nevertheless their lore never completely disappeared, and it continues to provide inspiration for practitioners today. Gemma draws on this knowledge, not only from published material, but also from the experiences and workings of ‘wise women’ and country witches living today.

Topics include the Cunning Path, the Dead and the Underworld (Fairy Faith), the Bucca, Places of Power in the villages and landscape, the Tools used by Cunning Folk (working versions of what can be seen, for example, in the Museum of Witchcraft & Magic), Village Cunning, substances and charms, and Rites of the Year’s Round. This book gathers much material together, some of which has not been seen in print before, and thus provides a sourcebook of magical workings in Cornwall today, which will be an invaluable reference.’

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Traditional Witchcraft, A Cornish Book of Ways
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