Ancestor Healing: October’s Ritual for Mystical Folk

October 4, 2023 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Maplewood Shops
2 Conz St. Suite 14A, Northampton
MA 01060
Winifred Costello

October’s Ritual & Magick Circle, “Stones, Petals & Letters to the Dead; Going In to Travel Out”  will focus on communing with the ancestors; spiritual, chosen family and kin.
OCTOBER’S RITUAL IS WED. OCT. 4th, 7-8:30 pm with time for socializing afterwards.
How our ritual evening will flow:
Ancestor Workshop AwenTree

Our focus is healing work with the Ancestors and Beloved Dead “Stones, Petals & Letters to the Dead; Going In to Travel Out” will focus on communing with the ancestors; spiritual, chosen family and kin.

Our Ritual will be both indoors and outdoors, so dress accordingly for the weather. (We will have a pop-up canopy if the weather looks questionable.)

Illuminated by the old world tradition of setting lights , attendees will be invited to spend time at our Ancestor Altar that will be set up in the courtyard of AwenTree.

Our Ancestor working and healing magick will center around Stones, Petals and Letter to the Dead. Winifred Costello, founder and owner of AwenTree, and Anthony Gladu together will facilitate our ritual during which community joins in with active participation.

The spirit work of the ritual includes a process for those among our ancestors where healing is still needed and for those whom we celebrate.

We respect everyone’s agency in our ritual space, so you get to choose who among the Ancestors you wish to honor, work with and/or not work with. Remember, Ancestor Veneration includes those who are not of our blood; our chosen family, spiritual lineages and more recognizing our interconnectedness. 

Attendees will each be given a candle to light from one of the Altar lights, extinguish, and then bring home to finish burning in their own practice during this time of year as we walk towards the Samhain Hallows.

From there, when we are ready, we will move indoors and spend time gathered around a scrying mirror so we continue our communion with the Blessed Dead. This will be a sacred time of going inward to expand outward, to connect with Spirit for comfort and inspiration. Honoring that aspect, we will hold the messages we receive in silence until Winifred and Anthony bring the ritual to a close.

Once the Ritual ends, attendees are welcome to stay for sharing in a light snack and socializing.

Our Rituals are intentionally kept small, when it comes to the number of attendees, so we can facilitate a focused and deeply supportive magickal experience.]

These sacred ceremonies are for like-minded mystical folk who desire to come together (in-person) in facilitated, safe space to explore and embody their magick. Co-facilitated by Winifred Costello, founder of AwenTree, and Anthony Gladu.
Attendees will each be given a candle to light from one of the Altar lights, extinguish, and bring home to finish burning in their own practice during this time of year as we walk towards the Samhain Hallows.
Cost $15 and helps cover the cost of the resources it takes to prepare, create and hold sacred space. Pre-Registration strongly encouraged so we can plan accordingly, HOWEVER you can register and pay at the door at the time of the Ritual. Please arrive by 7:15 pm.
You can sign up ahead of time by CLICKING HERE or pay at the door.
Each month will center on a different mystical element within ritual space; co-created and guided by Winifred Costello and Anthony Gladu. While not anchored in any one specific Craft Tradition, there still will be a grounding, protective, structure of a Witch’s Circle to safeguard our mutual energies. All expressions of being human and all levels of experience are welcome.

The Monthly Rituals happen on the first Wednesday of the month from 7-9 pm  

Winifred Costello, AwenTreeAbout Winifred Costello:

Winifred has over 30 years experience, training and practice in Paganism, Witchcraft and Folk Magick Traditions. She weaves together her knowledge in the Craft with the spiritual tools of Energy Healing, Reiki and Tarot to help students create empowered transformation in their lives. She is an Intuitive Tarot Reader, Reiki Master Teacher, Certified Hypnotherapist and Past Life Regression Certified Facilitator. She is the Proprietress of AwenTree and the Founder & Mentor of the Witching Well Community.  

 Anthony Gladu, AwenTreeAbout Anthony Gladu: 

Artist, Gardener, Herbalist, Magickal Practitioner and Tarot Reader. Anthony has been on his spiritual journey and practicing Witchcraft for many years. He is currently studying in the 3rd year with the Temple of Witchcraft. Anthony is excited to be able to facitate safe, sacred space for folk to gather together for ritual and a bit of magick.

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