Angelic Healing with Integrated Energy Therapy Training for Earth Mystics, Pagans & Witches (DAY TWO)

March 12, 2023 @ 10:00 am – 6:00 pm
Maplewood Shops
$400.00 for full weekend
Winifred Costello

IET Training, AwenTreeAngelic Healing with Integrated Energy Therapy Training for Earth Mystics, Pagans & Witches with Dan Lupacchino

Join Dan Lupacchino for an inspiring and empowering weekend learning to work with Angelic Healing and IET, Integrated Energy Therapy, with an approach oriented for magickally minded folk.  If you identify as Witch, Wiccan, Earth Mystic or Pagan and tend to shy away from teachings that tend to lean heavily towards the “new agey” realm, you will find Dan’s approach refreshing, knowledgeable and rooted in Earth-Centered Spirituality.

While this course is taught in a way that preserves the integrity of the IET ® system, Dan will provide training in this wonderful and profound healing system in a way that is relatable and aligns for Earth Mystics with diverse paths.

Working with nine specific healing energies recognized as “Angels” you will learn how to merge your energy with theirs to act as channel of healing flow that is central to Integrated Energy Therapy® (IET). 

IET is a powerful, yet gentle, system of healing healing is very effective for helping “get the issues out of the tissues” and this longtime catch phrase embodies a potent element of this modality. 

During this training you will learn how to help support yourself, loved ones, clients and community in processing emotional/energetic stagnation in the body to promote wellness. As a healing modality, IET safely supports you in releasing stress, trauma, limiting beliefs and patterns which, in turn, positively benefits your health, energy levels, and general well-being.  

IET Training, AwenTreeIf you feel drawn to work more deeply with Angelic forces, seek a supportive way for processing trauma, or just ready to add another resource to your healing and wellness tool kit, IET ® is a practice anybody can learn.

This weekend is open to both beginners new to energy healing or more seasoned healers looking to expand their skills and abilities.


What the Basic & Intermediate Level Certification Intensive Weekend Includes

Learn Angelic Healing with IET and become certified in both the Basic & Intermediate Levels. This training is happening Sat. March 11th and Sun. March 12th from 10 am – 6 pm.

DAY ONE: Basic Level IET® Certification Class: Sat. March 11th  (Value $205)

Our first day of training provides you with everything you need to conduct a powerful Integrated Energy Therapy session on yourself or others (either in person or by distance/remote). You will receive an attunement that will permanently open your energy field to the power of Integrated Energy Therapy Basic Level Ray. 

*Attunement, manual and certificate included.

DAY TWO: Intermediate Level IET® Certification Class: Sun. March 12th  (Value $230)

Our second day will deepen your journey with IET during the Intermediate Level training. This level expands upon the Basic Level techniques taught in the first day of the weekend intensive.  You will learn how to clear traumatic imprints from the 4 layers of the human energy field: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. This is an considered an “active” technique where you actually pull the blocks from the energy field. The level will assist you in being able to determine whether the energetic block stems from a physical, emotional, mental trauma, or brought in from a past life. You will also learn to work with all 9 of the Healing Angels of the Energy Field.

*Attunement, manual and certificate included.

SIGN UP FOR THIS FULL WEEKEND INTENSIVE (Two days of training, Basic & Intermediate) for just $400

IET Training, AwenTreePre-Registration is Required to Attend, Class Size is limited to 4.

Attendance is required at both days in order to receive both certifications.

This is an IN-PERSON training happening at AwenTree located in the Maplewood Shops, Northampton, MA on two days, Sat. March 11th and Sun. March 12th. 

Masks are required while indoors at this event.




What to Bring:

Bring, snacks, foods and clothing to make you feel comfortable, a journal to write notes in and an open mind/heart. There will be time for a lunch break. There are options to get food within a short walking distance. 


Your Instructor for this Weekend Intensive >

Taught by IET ® Master Instructor Trainer & High Priest Dan Lupacchino

Dan Lupacchino, IET Trainer, Energy Healer, LMTAbout Dan Lupacchino

Dan Lupacchino is a High Priest and Ordained Minister of the Temple of Witchcraft. 

He is a Licensed Massage Therapist and Healer in private practice in Connecticut. Reiki Master, and Medicinal Aromatherapist who enjoys, teaching, offering workshops, and spiritual coaching. He’s been a IET ® practitioner for over 15 years and is one of 40 worldwide IET ® Master/Instructor Trainers. 

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