Musings from the Hedge

A Blog by Winifred​

Musings from the Hedge

A Blog by Winifred​

The 3 Biggest Challenges Witches encounter when stepping onto their Path






One of the biggest challenges most Witches grapple with is to continually question their mystical calling once their Witch Soul has stirred and awakened

In case you need to hear this, you are witchy enough, right as you are, right now. 

This is the key phrase I find myself saying often to my students and members inside my community, The Witching Well.  We live in a culture that values and validates the intellect over our intuitive knowing. 


While there is absolutely nothing wrong with the pursuit of knowledge when it comes to Witchcraft, Paganism and Magickal Arts (actually, it IS important to have an informed foundation), at the same time these traditions are meant to be integrative, embodiment practices.  That means the real learning comes from integrating the wisdom of real life action, from your lived experiences. 

Embodying Practice

When folks ask me “HOW do I BE a Witch”, I remind them that you need to balance the consumption of intellectual knowledge with real life practice. I know that can be easier said than done, but the reality is this: You can’t think (or read or watch videos) your way into being a Witch, you must BECOME the Witch you aspire to BE.

The first step in doing that is to begin building a relationship between your desire to know authentic mystical teachings and actually integrating a consistent practice of your Spiritual Craft into your real life. 

The truth is that everyone struggles with “enough-ness” on some level. Every Witch questions whether they are “enough” in their mystical connection, innate gifts and abilities at some point in their journey. The cure to self-doubt and second guessing when it comes to your Witching is practice.   

Consistent practice is how you ground, embody and integrate your learning, which in turn grows your spiritual wisdom, confidence and capability. This is exactly the kind of work we focus on inside The Witching Well, my magickal community for Earth-Centered Mystics.





Another impactful challenge many Witch Folk run into is rooted in not prioritizing your spiritual care. (There are many reasons why this happens!)

If you are struggling with any or all of the following: not enough time, space and/or energy, chances are you are actually struggling with giving yourself permission, and setting boundaries, to prioritize your spiritual care, which is essential to your self-care and general well being.

If this sounds like you, you’re not alone. 

Many Witches fall into this false belief trap around time and space.

Partly, this is due to cultural messaging that devalues the importance of spiritual care and rewards over-working at the total cost of you.  In a busy, complex world, there is a perception of never enough time.  Depending on your circumstances, there might not be the level of spaciousness you desire. 

But in truth, you create the time by claiming it as sacred.  You make space by working with what you have on-hand, right now.  It really comes down to your relationship with time and space; what you have learned (or been programmed to believe) that can dictate what you prioritize.

Magickal Folk are notorious for putting everyone else’s needs way ahead of their own. Whether it is is your primary relationships, children (human or fur), your job, your co-workers and even your laundry pile, how often do you put yourself before everything else? ⁠(Be honest with yourself.) 

Too often Witches get stuck in the illusion that they will “reward” themselves with their spiritual care just as soon as they finish their never ending “to do” list. (BUT when was the last time you actually sat at your altar or did that full moon ritual you planned?)⁠⁠

Or maybe you are operating under the belief that it is “doing the right thing” by sacrificing your needs out of duty and obligation, thinking the most important thing is to take care of every one and every thing else even though you are running on empty. ⁠⁠

The Witching Well


Have you noticed this just creates a self-perpetuating cycle of postponing prioritizing your rest and renewal? ⁠⁠

You might be thinking, well, there just isn’t time for me, especially with ______ going on. (psst…there will always be “something” going on, that’s just how life rolls)⁠⁠  Or maybe you feel that there isn’t any physical space for your Witch practice?  

Or you are completely exhausted by the time you finally arrive at your “me time” you set aside for your Witchy time. (this can be the result of considering your spiritual time as a “reward” or “entertainment” you get to have after you have completed a long check list of obligations)

The Witching Well

But what is the hidden cost when you don’t claim time, space and energy for what inspires and renews, defending it as sacred ground? ⁠⁠ 

Some common indicators that you are overdue for quality spiritual self-care: feeling burnt out, ungrounded, restless and not really focused (that laundry pile never seems to make it to the wash…) Or worse, you might feel edgy, drained, disconnected, lost or exhausted.

For Mystical Folk, spiritual care is an important part of self-care. There is a unique level of deep renewal, connection and inspiration that comes from making regular time to nurture your Witch Soul.  It is essential to your wholeness and wellbeing because your magick nourishes you in a way that the mundane does not

So in a world that would prefer you believe there is not enough time, space or energy…how do you create time, space and energy?  

By inviting every day magick into your life, with a simplified approach to your practice, one that doesn’t compromise the integrity, process or authenticity of it.

This approach encourages you to cultivate a daily, regenerative practice using the resources you already have at your fingertips, one that fits and integrates with your current lifestyle and personal/professional obligations.

Transforming Your Relationship with Time,  Space and Energy

Let’s address each one in turn. 


Stop chasing the elusive unicorn notion of a “perfect” time for your spiritual practice. You create time for it by claiming it as sacred.  To help you do that make friends with a calendar, either a paper one (We’Moon, Witches Datebook or other planner) or digital (smart phone, smart watch or computer).  

If you are struggling to find, commit and follow through on making time I recommend not worrying about what time you choose (meaning, is it the actual full moon or when an astrologer said it was the best moment) but work with the time you find you do have. 

I recommend mapping your magick before the month begins and follow up before each week begins.

AwenTree, Witch Shop

You might benefit from “personal time audit” to understand where and how you are spending your time (just how long do you spend endlessly scolling instagram every day?) Later on you can focus on working with more specific,  auspicious and magickal timing. For now, work with your natural rhythm and choose times when you are most rested and not as likely to be interrupted.  That might mean getting up a bit earlier or disengaging and retreating in the evening before you are too tired to keep your eyes open.  

Experiment with tagging your spiritual practice onto a daily routine you already have developed, such as your morning rituals (add bullet journaling or a quick tarot card while you drink your coffee or tea), exercise or even brushing your teeth or showering (great time for cleansing, grounding, intention setting and affirmations).  

Be sure to begin with something short and sweet, a 3-5 minute mini-practice, such as a single tarot card draw, short meditation to connect with your inner Witch Flame or share a small offering of what you are eating and drinking with your Ancestors. 

Most importantly, don’t under estimate the transformative, healing power of a simple, heart-felt and consistent spiritual practice. Consistency matters more than complexity when it comes to getting started, deepening your path or re-connecting to it if you have gotten sidetracked. 

The Witching Well, Winifred Costello


The cure to lack of space, is to practice your magick within the spaces you have right now, regardless of the size or limitations. Remember, most of Witchcraft and magick sources from and serves folks who are under resourced, who chose to utilize the resources that they DO have. 

Your altar doesn’t have to be elaborate to function. Yes, that artisan-made table full of unique, specialty witch tools and crystals, in a dedicated temple room, makes for a beautiful image on social media and is certainly delightful to work with, however, it isn’t required. 

Your magick and spirituality can be just as effective regardless of how simple or intricate you make it, because in the end YOU; your energy, will and intention are what fuel your magick and transformation.

To work with the space you occupy, first take a look around and do what I call an “environment audit”.  You are looking for a location that will not be overly disrupted by the prying hands, curious eyes and jumping or climbing beings you co-habitate with or who visit your home. Also consider how accessible this location is to you.  Being shut away in a corner of a cluttered room you almost never go in is not ideal for nurturing a daily practice.  

Get creative and think of spots that are “hiding in plain sight” such as a small cupboard, high shelf, top of a bureau or even a hutch with a door.  You might even try placing a simple altar front and center, like the middle of your dining room table, depending on your living circumstances.   

If you still cannot find a spot, explore the idea of a portable altar.  You can make your altar in a mobile vessel like a ceramic pot, basket with a lid or a re-purposed cigar box.  You can even pick up a cool box that you decorate for this purpose, such as a one made from dense, hard cardboard (like a memory box) or a wooden box from a craft store. 

Keeping your altar in this way allows you the flexibility to set it up and take it down easily as needed, while housing your spiritual supplies inside it for safe keeping. 


Too often we put our spiritual care at the end of our all ready long “to-do” list, treating is as something we “earn” like a reward or as “entertainment” rather then recognizing, honoring and prioritizing it as a necessity to our overall wellbeing, which, in reality, it is.  

When you “save” your spiritual and magickal practice for a future “later” you run the risk of never getting around to it (other life demands continually take precedent) or having no quality energy left for it.  

You might have heard of the popular way to measure energy as “spoons”.  You only have so much energy, or spoons, in a given day, week or month (even if that amount differs for each individual). If you don’t specifically set aside some of those spoons or feel you are not entitled to reserve some of your limited spoons for your spiritual practice, then you might not have enough. 

The Witching Well, Winifred Costello

To help you navigate this issue, I suggest doing a “personal energy audit” so that you can better understand your unique ebb and flow as well as how many spoons you have and when.  Spend some time reflecting on your energies levels during the course of a day, week, month and even a season. The goal is to understand when you have the ideal quality spoons for your spiritual self-care and how that ebbs and flows over time. Then build a regular practice with regard to that insight.  Your spiritual and magickal practice can be ones that are restorative to your energy levels!  

So, it could be 5-10 minutes daily or 1 hour weekly or 1 day monthly. For me, I used to schedule my spiritual practice with my morning coffee routine.  It took 5-10 minutes and integrated with my coffee making and drinking ritual.  On a larger scale, I set aside one full day every 6 weeks to honor the Sabbats that are part of the Wheel of the Year.  You might choose to set aside time for every full or dark moon. 

Most important is that it fits in your life, your energy levels and aligns with your personal goals for your Witch Path.

Once you have that information, claim it as sacred!  

Put it on your calendar, whether in a paper planner or digital format.  Next clear your schedule and set clear boundaries that this time is sacred and not to be swept aside by life’s distractions, obligations or old programming the minimizes the importance and worthiness for you to have this time for yourself. If you need extra support, get a trusted person to be your accountability buddy to help you follow through.

The secret ingredient to growing your clarity, capability and confidence when it comes to your Witching is consistent action in practice and deed.  The way to ensure you have enough energy for that is to know your energy levels (spoons) and their ebb and flow, then schedule with respect to your personal tides.





Many modern Witches make the mistake of  “just winging it” when it comes to their spiritual practice, craft and magick, resisting all forms of structure as overly dogmatic, or inherently bad, without the deeper examination of the role of structure itself when it comes to your development and growth within Earth-Centered Mystery Traditions. 

This challenge is more of an effect related to the dramatic increase of information accessibility (and overload) combined with the recent Rise of the Witch Movement taking place. 

In the past, you would have been hard pressed to find detailed, quality information on all things Witch and Magick without working with a teacher, mentor, dedicated group, being part of a formal tradition or a teaching Coven.

Before the internet, you would have had to rely on in-real-life people or the very limited selection of books out there, when you could find them, if you did not have access through a family tradition. And you would not have moved on to learn more advanced knowledge, magick and techniques if you had not demonstrated that you had competently mastered your foundational work. 

Prior to the modern revolution, popularity and trendiness of being a Witch, the depth of real information in witchcraft and magick books was seriously lacking as most books just repurposed the same beginner level stuff. 

The advent of the modern Witch movement has opened up so many avenues for learning about Witchcraft and magick, which in a “big sky” view is a very good thing, but on the micro level, has propagated a problematic belief that you don’t need to delve deeply into the rigors of study, training and application in regards to your Craft.

Along with this comes an attitude that you can simply just do “what you feel like”, letting your intuition take you “wherever it wants to go”.

The wonderful thing about Earth-Centered Traditions are that they are embodiment practices anchored in claiming your spiritual agency, celebrating your spiritual freedom and validating your direct experiences with the sacred and the mystical. 

Witching is very much about listening and honoring your inner knowing, your intuition and letting Spirit guide you, liberating, refreshing and free.


The Witching Well, Winifred Costello

A huge reason folks are drawn to Modern Paganism, Wiccan, Witchcraft and other Earth-Centered Traditions is that they are NOT part of the mainstream Abrahamic Organized Religions (AOR) which subscribe to rigidly organized constructs that source from unifying sacred texts (each AOR has its own sacred texts, mythos and interpretations) with a strict prescription to rules or “commandments” and are steeped in colonialism, empire and oppressive systems.

Modern Pagan, Nature-Based, Earth-Honoring Mystery Spiritualities do not center on the “redemption and conversion” narrative as central to their practice, which makes them entirely different in foundation and context; opening up opportunities to be more inclusive and supportive of a holistic, often animistic, world view.  

NOTE: This is a general overview. Just because a spiritual path is Witchy in nature doesn’t exclude it from being dogmatic or problematic in structure. There are many modern Pagan, Witch, etc Traditions and Paths, each with their individual constructs, guidelines, requirements, rules, ethics and values. Be sure to invest due diligence to understand any group, tradition or teacher before you join to ensure it aligns with your needs, goals, ethics and values. 


All that said, there is a double edge sword that comes with embracing a spiritual tradition that doesn’t have a single governing body or recognized set code of beliefs and behaviours. There are challenges, and responsibilities that come with creative and spiritual freedom.  It is important to remember that claiming your spiritual sovereignty is not without responsibility, accountability and real consequences. 

While there are certainly problematic roots in our Witchcraft structures, ones that source from oppressive systems steeped in racism, classism, colonialism and empire, that requires us to review, dismantle and rebuild; structure, in itself, isn’t inherently bad. 

It is on us to do our due diligence to reflect and uncover which aspects of our structures those are and which they not, rather than reactively resisting structure of any form.  Structure itself is not inherently steeped in oppressive dogma and oppressive systems. Part of our work as Witches is to seek out, create and rebuild holistic, inclusive structures that support and empower.   

Other reasons modern Witches tend to just “wing” their spiritual practice is lack of access to formal teachings, beyond books, podcasts or videos. Without structured training, there can be a lack of personal discipline, feedback and accountability.

There is an important role that holistic structure plays in your spiritual awakening, growth as a Witch. In my experience, holistic structure provides the protective container for your education, action and soul evolution, giving context and continuity to your practice.  Structure grounds your intuitive knowing into the physical reality by supporting your Craft with a solid, foundational knowledge-base. 

While we always want to listen to our intuition and be open to spontaneity, it is essential to have a strong foundation to operate from, otherwise you risk having things go sideways; getting you into trouble, or worse, creating a spiritual crisis if you get yourself into a level of magickal technique or shadow work that you are not properly prepared for.

Seek Holistic Structures & Consider Aligned Training

A holistic structure, one that aligns with your ethics, values and integrity, can provide a supportive, safe container in which to learn, grow and expand.  

Having some sort of holistic structure can encourage your inner discipline, inspire your exploration and lend valuable guidance to your development.   This kind of structure can be internal or external or a mix of both.  It all depends on how you learn, what motivates you, what kind of environment do you need to thrive in order to grow and how much support you need to make stuff happen for yourself. 

Internal Structures are just that, internal.  Some folks are natural self-starters and great on following through even when they hit doldrums in their journey.  

External Structures utilize resources other than just yourself to support you.   That could be a book designed to walk you through your Witch Path with a clear map that includes action, reflection and specific assignments. That could be a teacher, mentor, group setting or formalized training that provides those kind of things. 

The Witching Well, Winifred Costello

Many times folks have come to me and shared their very real struggles that sourced from skipping out on actual training due to their concerns with structure.  Other times they mistakenly think that just being naturally Witchy meant they did not actually need to learn about and develop their gift in any formal way. However, if you take your spirit craft for granted, or think you can just get by on pure talent, you eventually discover the lack of investing in yourself shows up in unexpected, and sometimes, exhausting and unpleasant ways.  

The reality is: the stronger your natural ability, the more you actually need to train. 

Think about a dedicated athlete, you almost always hear how they took to their field naturally, but then invested the time, energy and resources to refine their skill under the guidance of a mentor, usually one with years of experience.

They understood that to really honor a natural talent is to hone it.

Plus, there is the invaluable wisdom gained from learning from others that walked that path before you as they share their insight and feedback to empower you. 

The Witching Well, Winifred Costello

The cure to “winging it” is to develop a holistic relationship with structure, both internally and externally so that you can discover and implement a safe container in which to grow as a Witch.

You can get started doing this with a “personal structure audit” by asking questions about what kind of environment, structures (internal and external) do you require to best support your development when it comes to…

  • motivation
  • learning & discovery
  • planning & follow through
  • action & implementing
  • receiving and processing feedback

Part of your spirit work as a Witch is to seek an aligned, holistic structure that provides a safe, supportive container for your growth and development allows for deeper transformation.

So if you have been…

Struggling with enough-ness and questioning the validity of your Witch-ness. 

The Perception that there is not enough time, space or energy for your spirituality.

Just “winging it” is your only plan and mode of operation when it comes to your Witchcraft.

Remember that YOU ARE ENOUGH, right as you are now; just begin and grow from there. 

You make the time by choosing the time, you claim space by working within the spaces you have, you find enough energy by reserving and safe guarding some of it as a priority for yourself.

Your mystical calling is valid and real.

Like any journey, it begins by taking the first step and then deepens when you  continue to put one foot in front of the other.  

READY TO Cultivate YOUR WITCH path ?


You are done second guessing and overthinking and your magick…

Your spiritual practice is haphazard, pieced together and inconsistent…

You aren’t quite sure how to cultivate your Witch Path in real life…

Then you will want to watch my FREE WORKSHOP, Nurturing Your Witch Soul, and learn how to shift your approach to practicing your Craft, from the inside out.

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