About Winifred
How a pragmatic witch forged her way through adversity by claiming her magick
Real Witch Magick...
How a cup of coffee changed my life
The Catalyst
It was a grey, November night long ago. I was standing, mid-calf in luke warm water, desperately trying to unclog the drain of the 100 year old clawfoot tub in the house, with my teenage daughter doing her best to help.
Intersecting factors had brought me to this moment, one of the bleakest moments in my life, struggling to make ends meet and provide for my kid, living in a house that was falling apart around us.
Even the simple act of showering had become utterly daunting. Totally on my own, I was a poor, single Mama. I could not afford the growing pile of bills, never mind a plumber. And, I was acutely aware that no one was coming to save us from our situation.
Be your own rescue
I want to say I cried myself to sleep that miserable night, but in reality, I was too scared to even cry. I laid awake, feeling desperate and alone, staring at the ceiling, unable to sleep. And then it happened, in the middle of my dread, my desperation turned to determination. I decided to be my own rescue.
The inner work is where your magick comes alive
The first step was to begin calling my personal power back; including taking a fearless inventory of what was working and more importantly, what wasn't, so I could make a fundamental shift from the inside out.
I have been a witch basically my whole life, my earth-centered spirituality a central beacon always calling me home. That said, my actual real-life, daily practice waxed and waned over the years. There were periods of time when I let outside demands get in the way of showing up for my spiritual self-care; parenting, career, grown-up responsibilities and obligations, it all came first. What I had't realized was just how detrimental those stretches of not actively practicing were affecting me, and, therefore, my life. Those spiritually fallow times resulted in me becoming more unsettled, anxious, overwhelmed and "blocked" and it showed.
Just Add Coffee
The morning after that fateful night, I knew I needed to break free of the inertia I had become mired in. And it was clear that my spiritual path was essential to lighting the internal fire that required. This realization was instrumental in changing my life.
The first steps were to commit to doing my spirit work consistently, NO MATTER WHAT, as a potent way to reclaim my personal power through prioritizing my magick.
No excuses and no more putting it off to some imagined “perfect” time or circumstance.
So, I dusted off my altar and moved it into my dining room. I knew if I were going to successfully create change, I had to literally integrate my spiritual practice in my daily routine.
Then I poured out an offering of coffee for my Spirit Allies before I poured out a cup for myself. Next, I sat down, sipping coffee with Spirit, and decided I would never be complacent in prioritizing my spirituality ever again.

Living Your Transformation
Today, I am deeply grateful to say I am miles from the difficult time.
I still have that 100 year old claw foot tub, but now I am living a life aligned with my heart and soul. I weave every day magick into the natural fabric of my life and love sharing my unique way of Witching in the world.
I no longer dream about what my Witching would be like if only I had enough time, space or the “right” supplies, but actually practice my Craft in a grounded, authentic way, using the resources at my fingertips.
And one fo the best parts about my journey, is that now I mentor other Earth-Centered Mystics to prioritize their spiritual path, to confidently claim their magick and create the transformation they want to see in their lives.
For those who like to read a more "official" bio

I have been learning and practicing Witchcraft, in one form or another, since I was 16. With over 35 years of direct experience, study and knowledge in Paganism, Goddess Traditions, Witchcraft, Faery Seership, Tarot, Folk Magick, Reiki and Energy Healing.
I am passionate about teaching Earth-Centered Mystics how to embody their magick and grow real-life spiritual practices, rooted in the wisdom of the Old Ways but modern in approach, so they can Witch their Way in the world.
I strive to provide what I wish had been around when I first stepped onto my Witch Path. an inclusive and welcoming sacred space where Earth-Centered Spirituality is celebrated and taught with integrity and authenticity.
Seeking my own healing, I became a Reiki Master Teacher in 1997, a NGH Certified Hypnotherapist in 2007 and a NGH Certified Past Life Regression Facilitator in 2008. I am a Certified LuMarian (Sacred Source) Energy Practitioner and have received extensive training in NLP with Dr. Tom Pirnie..
As a forever student, I continue to deepen my education and am currently enrolled in Year 4 of the Temple of Witchcraft Mystery School.
I served as a Board Member for COVR (Coalition of Visionary Retailers) in 2008, helping other small metaphysical businesses across the country. I was active in the Easthampton Business Community and member of the Cottage Street Merchant Association. I was the Lead Coordinator for Western Mass Pagan Pride Day for many years, 2010-2016, a community based group that provides education, resources and events for folks interested in Paganism.
Prior to founding and operating my own brick & mortar business from 2006-2020 in Cultural District of Easthampton, I had over 14 years of experience and training in Performance Leadership, Coaching, Management, Team Building, Visual Merchandising, Outreach & Event Planning from my career as a Retail Store Manager for in the Outdoor Adventure & Recreational Sports Industry.
I now operate AwenTree as an online shop with a Healing Studio Space to work with students and clients in Northampton, MA.
Kind Praise