tarot cards

Tracking Your Personal Power With The Tarot: Minor Arcana Cards That Reveal How You Give Your Power Away

Learn how the tarot can help you identify when you are giving away your power. When you have plenty of personal power in your reserves you feel energized, clear, capable and positive. When you are lacking in personal power you may feel overwhelmed, drained, confused and like you are dragging through your day. There are […]

Tracking Your Personal Power With The Tarot: Minor Arcana Cards That Reveal How You Give Your Power Away Read More »

Reading for your roots, how you can use a tarot spread to uncover what lies beneath

Uncovering your roots: discovering what lies beneath using a tarot reading. What does it mean to “read your roots” in a tarot reading? When you seek answers and insight in a tarot reading, it is important to look at the foundation, the roots, that uphold you.   Imagine a tall oak or great spruce tree.

Reading for your roots, how you can use a tarot spread to uncover what lies beneath Read More »

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