The fibers of the web have been pulled and spun by Spider, drawing close those that are meant to sit together in sacred smoke, in sacred heat, in sacred space.

There is a building of energy  coming to a Lodge.  The fibers of the web have been pulled and spun by Spider, drawing close those that are meant to sit together in sacred smoke, in sacred heat, in sacred space.  You can feel the vibrations of this as the people gather around the ceremonial fire that heats the stones that will share their teachings.

drums on lodge

The lodge keeper knelt to fill the pipe and offered up the first pinch of tobacco in silent prayer and the hush that swept offer us was so still it froze time.  Then I knew,  we all had step into liminal time.

Silently, each person pressed their forehead to the dirt at the threshold before crawling sunwise into the mother womb of the Lodge.

As I entered, the woven branches curving over my head, the warm fabrics of blankets cocooning out the night air, and the profound darkness swallowing my sight and holding me in womb like stillness, I felt ancient memories stirring.

full moon rising over lodge fire

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